How to make friends with a fearful dog
So, you recently met (or maybe even adopted!) a dog who seems fearful of you or other people. Check out these tips to build relationship!

Got a stressed dog? What is toxic stress, why should you care about it, and what can you do?
"...When stress goes unchecked and we get stuck in a state of toxic stress that this becomes a real issue! "

Why we never punish growling (or other communication from our dogs!)
If your dog has ever growled at you, it's normal to be upset and concerned. And while we don't want our dogs to be growling, since it's a...

“Dog TV”: Enriching their lives, or asking for trouble?
I worked with someone once who called letting their dog look out the window all day while they were at work “dog TV”. I thought it was...

Regis, Phoebe, and the attack of Frankenstein
Today, I fed both of my dogs for barking. Well, not barking. Going BALLISTIC. And you know what? It didn’t reinforce the behavior! This...

“Don’t normalize aggressive behavior”
I saw a post in a Facebook group the other day; it's a well respected group with lots of dog professionals and hobbyists who’ve been...

Loving a Reactive Dog
Loving a reactive dog can test your patience and push your buttons. It forces you to take the long way round because you know that the...

Your Dog is Not an Oven
My oven broke this past weekend. My husband Phil made dinner Saturday night, used the broiler, and turned everything off properly after...

We Need to Talk About the F Word
Alright folks. It's intervention time. We need to talk about your use of the "F" word. You've been using it all over the place, and I...

"Walking with a Reactive Dog: Will it ever get easier?!"
It's no great secret that living with a reactive dog can be a lot of work. You might be constantly managing their environment, making...