Should I play tug of war with my dog?
Tug of war is one of those topics in the dog world that carries a lot of "baggage" with it. It's been a hotly debated topic for a long...

Got a stressed dog? What is toxic stress, why should you care about it, and what can you do?
"...When stress goes unchecked and we get stuck in a state of toxic stress that this becomes a real issue! "

The NUMBER ONE STRATEGY to a Well Behaved Dog
Do you know the number one strategy to a well behaved dog? It's not a special type of training tool, it's not a special training...

Kong Stuffing 101
Oh kongs, the real MVP dog ownership-dom. Kongs have saved my sanity time and time again, being there for me during family parties when I...

New Years Resolutions with your dog in mind
2018 has come and gone. It's hard to believe, isn't it?! And we're already heading into the second week of 2019! I don't know about you,...

My Top Five Favorite Activities for Cold Weather Enrichment
Brrrr, it’s cold out there! It’s officially Winter here in Chicagoland, and with extremely cold temperatures and blowing winds come...