Is it willful disobedience and noncompliance.... or is it an undiagnosed health issue? Part One
We understand now that our dog's physical health is a key puzzle piece to resolving certain behavior problems.
2023 Last minute gift guide for dogs and dog lovers!
Are you still looking for the perfect gift for the dog lover in your life? Still looking for the perfect gift for a dog?
Why we never punish growling (or other communication from our dogs!)
If your dog has ever growled at you, it's normal to be upset and concerned. And while we don't want our dogs to be growling, since it's a...
Resolutions for you and your dog 2023
A blog post about New Years resolutions for you and your dogs in the year 2023!
Dog Centric New Years Resolutions
2022 New Years resolutions for you and your dog!
How to make sure you are using your invisible fence correctly!
Step one: DON'T DO IT Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Alright, I apologize if that answer was a bit glib. I apologize even more if...
Congratulations On Becoming Employee of the Month!
We have been so impressed with your work ethic and commitment to your job, we could not have done all of this without you! To show our...
The NUMBER ONE STRATEGY to a Well Behaved Dog
Do you know the number one strategy to a well behaved dog? It's not a special type of training tool, it's not a special training...
Must Love Growling Dogs
I LOVE growling dogs. Say whaaaaaaaat? Hear me out: A growling dog is a dog that’s saying, “hey, I don’t want to bite, please don’t make...
“Don’t normalize aggressive behavior”
I saw a post in a Facebook group the other day; it's a well respected group with lots of dog professionals and hobbyists who’ve been...