What does it mean to be a positive reinforcement dog trainer?
I recently came across a tiktok video of a trainer who claimed to be "training" a dog, when in reality she had a very distressed dog on a...
2023 Last minute gift guide for dogs and dog lovers!
Are you still looking for the perfect gift for the dog lover in your life? Still looking for the perfect gift for a dog?
The different types of management in dog training and their applications
What is management, and how can you use it in your day to day life?
Are retractable leashes bad? Should I use a Flexi lead?
Is it ever okay to use a retractable leash? Or is the answer always going to be no?
How to make sure you are using your invisible fence correctly!
Step one: DON'T DO IT Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Alright, I apologize if that answer was a bit glib. I apologize even more if...
"But I Never Had to Give My Other Dog Treats!"
This is sometimes my client's response when I explain that we'll be using food as the primary motivator during our training. They're...
"When can I stop giving my dog treats?"
This is probably one of the top 3 questions I get asked as a dog trainer, and I totally get it! Having to remember to bring treats and...
"Treat training? Won't my dogs get fat?"
One question that I frequently get from clients is about their dog putting on weight when I discuss using food to train. Many people are...
30 Years Means Nothing
"Has been working with dogs for over 30 years" "Spent several decades working with dogs in the rescue world" "Has been training since...
Kong Stuffing 101
Oh kongs, the real MVP dog ownership-dom. Kongs have saved my sanity time and time again, being there for me during family parties when I...